Thursday, 21 June 2007

Change of plan

Up to now, as readers may have spotted, I've been writing on themes rather than events, and quoting at length from my diary to keep it as close to the facts as possible without interrupting the flow of narrative. I have a whole list of titles for lengthy and considered posts tucked away in draft form, I plan to write on all of them at some point

Unfortunately, my diary is now on a different computer to my Internet connection, and I won't have it back till August by the look of things. So I'm going to temporarily change the format of this blog, and do what I ultimately plan to do with it when I run out of titles. I shall start writing accounts of recent events, rather than summaries of elements of our BDSM play.

For starters:

Yesterday, I found this picture on a feminist site.
They read it - quite correctly - as a misogynistic and unpleasant use of stereotype. The text at the bottom reads 'PS2: Because your girlfriend bores you shitless'.

I showed it to Cupid (who has recently bought a PS2) and to my deep irritation, he burst out laughing. He insisted that he knew it was a bad advert, but it was still funny.

Despite my obvious annoyance, he kept giggling until I stood up and ordered him to take his trousers down. I bent him over the bed and smacked his bare bum hard, giving him maybe two dozen strokes, just enough to indicate that I wasn't amused. Then I asked if he still felt like laughing?

Oddly enough, he'd stopped finding it funny.

All this was played semi-ironically. I know better than to introduce real-world issues into what is essentially a game, because that can be unpleasant and even bullying. Putting pressure on the sub in two ways at once, in real-world terms and in play terms, and blurring the distinction between them, turns into head-fuckery quite easily. It's not somewhere I go, but I did enjoy asserting my control briefly to show him what I thought of this particular joke.

Sometimes it is possible, and fun, to make a serious point in the guise of playing. For example, one evening while walking across his bedroom I tripped on a belt he'd left on the floor. I picked it up and spanked him with it to teach him not to leave his things lying about. To my secret delight, when he later undressed on my orders, he - unprompted - neatly folded and offered each item of clothing to me as he stripped.

I don't ever dom to resolve serious issues - we talk about them. On the other hand that isn't serious and won't get taken too seriously is fair game to be incorporated into a scene.

More on recent developements soon.


Ninety said...

I feel I ought to explain why I think the advert's funny. Deconstruction follows:

It's the actual picture and the text that's mysogenistic, showing a bored chap and his overtalkative girlfriend. If you take this out and just include the tagline "PS2: Because your girlfriend bores you shitless" then the message of the advert isn't "All girlfriends are boring and talk only about clothes", it's "PS2 players are sufficiently socially inept that they'd rather be playing a computer game than interacting with the girl they're supposedly in love with" -- or, indeed "PS2: OK, we admit it, it's for geeks. Happy now?"

Polyfetishist said...

I'm delighted to see more frequent posting.

Nice to see humor and affection. An emphasis on play, an awareness of irony.

This is all about beauty and passion: not some serious test or one's D/s purity.

Warmest regards.